From studying film opening title sequences, I have summarised that opening title sequences do not really give anything away about the plot of the film, their purpose is only to establish the theme, atmosphere and tone of the film, the majority of the time they reveal nothing about with the plot.
Almost all film opening title sequences are around two minutes in length, which fits well which the brief, as it requires our main task to be no more than two minutes in length.
We also summarised that the typography was very important in the opening title sequence, this is because different fonts bring different connotations with them, and can dramatically affect the themes and tones portrayed in the sequences.
When designing opening title sequences for films, the best way is to think about the meanings, values and the theme that the plot is trying to get across to the audience, then come up with some images that represent these well, from this you can easily put together a opening title sequence for a film.
Our group has decided to do our opening title sequence on a film, within the genre of 'murder mystery'. The next few posts will be textual analysis' on film opening title sequences of this genre, and a textual analysis on the film, 'Se7en' which is iconic for its opening title sequence.
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