Thursday, 4 November 2010

Filming the Preliminary Task

When we started shooting, it did not all go to plan. When we got the camera out and looked at the mise-on-scene of the shots, we realised that there was a lot of posters and pictures on the wall of the chosen location, which we weren't allowed to remove. Looking back at our choice of location, i think that we, as a group, chose the wrong room.

Because of this, when filming we tried to manipulate the shots around the background, so we could get the right background, to convey the desired meanings. However, this was not a very good decision because our shot/ reverse shots suffered and were not good enough.

On the first attempt of shooting the scene, we had a lot of trouble shooting. we only had the props we were using in the scene for a limited amount of time, so we decided to film the shots with the props in first. This led to later problems as we were filming shots out of order, confusing us. Also, because of this we failed to notice mistakes we were making, such as breaking the 180 degree rule when shooting the shot/ reverse shots. We had to redo these shots as it was breaking continuity and would disorientate the audience.

We attempt filming the shots a second time. This was more successful than the first attempt as we had learnt from the mistakes we made in the first attempt. We shot the scenes in order this time so we made sure they we all shot and then checked every time we shot so we were following the 180 degree rule. However, we still had to manipulate the shots to fit the background, again, because of this the shot/ reverse shots suffered. When filming we had the angle too tight one of the characters, so there was very little looking space and you could not really see if there was an eye line match.

We took these shots back to be edited, but when we looked at the rushes, we thought that these shots could have been better. Because this was due to the poor choice of location, we have decided to try filming in a different location. Unfortunately, we had run out of time for this lesson, so we are going to attempt re-filming the shots again in the next lesson.

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