Wednesday, 20 October 2010

180 Degree Rule

To keep continuity, the 180 degree rule must be used when shooting a shot/ reverse shot.

When shooting two characters sitting opposite each other, the 180 degree rule must be adhered to to ensure continuity is kept and the audience is not disorientated.

To explain the 180 degree rule, you first need to imagine a 360 degree circle around the two characters, with a line down the middle (180 degrees). The shots must be on one side of the line, this way the characters appear to be facing each other, if the line is crossed when shooting, the characters will appear to be facing the same way, breaking continuity. To make sure you have done this successfully, the characters should appear in opposite corners of the frame, and stay there through out the scene with looking space in the other side of the frame, where the other character would be.

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