Monday, 28 March 2011

Evaluation: Question 1

What are the conventions of our Genre?
  • We have used the Murder Mystery genre.
  • There are not many conventions.
  • They can be found in the Prezi I have made in previous posts; Click here to view the post on Murder Mystery research.
  • Murder mystery conventions:
    A murder takes place.
    The plot involves the investigation of the murder.
    They focus mainly on the character investigating.
    The investigation has twists in the plot.
Did your research help?

So did our work conform or the challenge the conventions of the murder mystery genre?
  • The to get a good grade, we needed to ensure it was clear what the genre of our piece was.
  • Conforming to the conventions helped to do ensure this.
  • Our opening titles kept to the conventions by the following:
Hints at the plot containing an investigation of a murder.
Used a woman as the victim (links the dominant ideology in Britain; women are vulnerable).
Hints at a twist in the investigation.
  • However, we do challenge the conventions of the genre in one respect;
We hint at the murder being a women, where as traditionally the murderer would be male.
  • However, we generally CONFORM to the conventions of the murder mystery genre.

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